Welcome to Mingu Kwak’s Personal Website

Hello! I am Mingu Kwak, a postdoctoral fellow in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, working with Professor Jing Li. My research primarily focuses on developing artificial intelligence (AI) models for out-of-distribution or limited labeled data. The application domains mainly include multichannel sensors, images, manufacturing processes, and medical data. I am currently focusing on applications for medical image data.

Selected Publications

  • Kwak, M. G., Su, Y., Chen, K., Weidman, D., Wu, T., Lure, F., … & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. (2023). Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning to Predict the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease with 3D Amyloid-PET. Bioengineering, 10(10), 1141.
  • Kwak, M. G., Lee, Y. J., & Kim, S. B. (2023). SWaCo: Safe Wafer Bin Map Classification With Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 36(3), 416-424.
  • Kwak, M., & Kim, S. B. (2021). Unsupervised abnormal sensor signal detection with channelwise reconstruction errors. IEEE Access, 9, 39995-40007.
  • Lee, S., Kwak, M., Tsui, K. L., & Kim, S. B. (2019). Process monitoring using variational autoencoder for high-dimensional nonlinear processes. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 83, 13-27.

See more in Publications.


Feel free to get in touch via email at mkwak35@gatech.edu. You can also find me on LinkedIn and GitHub.