Teaching Assistant - Multivariate Analysis

Head TA, Undergraduate course, Korea University, Industrial and Management Engineering, 2017

In the fall semester of 2017, I served as the head TA for the Multivariate Analysis course taught by Professor Seoung Bum Kim. This course focused on teaching techniques for analyzing and visualizing multivariate data using statistical methods. Beyond the traditional TA duties of grading and holding office hours, I was responsible for delivering lectures on programming applications relevant to the course material, specifically using Python.

I conducted comprehensive sessions covering the basics of Python, as well as more advanced topics, to prepare students for their term projects. This included creating and grading coding assignments, ensuring that students could practically apply the theories they learned in class. Developing the practical materials from scratch also allowed me to refine my own coding style and broaden my understanding of Python and its applications.

With over 60 students enrolled in the course, I gained valuable experience in delivering presentations and enhanced my communication skills, effectively conveying complex concepts to a large audience. This role not only honed my technical abilities but also significantly improved my ability to manage and instruct a diverse group of students, fostering an engaging and educational environment.